Artwork by Annelinde Tempelman Our creativity is activated when there is something we would like to accomplish with intention; be it a new project for work or play, be it a new way to do the house cleaning or managing your finances, or a new way to dance in our relationships, or even to initiate change for the next chapter in our lives. It is an essential daily exercised ‘power’ that we all need to learn to master in order to live consciously. And if we want to do art of some kind, even more so. Yet, this Creative Force in those that have mastered it, is revered because it has magic, it is a force beyond the mind, beyond our control, we cannot simply will it to do what we want it to do. In fact, quite the opposite - we almost need to bow to it, to work with it as it leads the way, to play by its rules, not ours… in other words, we need to surrender to it and to its outcome too. And to surrender to it, we need to understand how to dance with it. Even the most successful artist, musician or entrepreneur has had to work on their creative process, they have carved out time for it, poured effort into it, nurtured their craft. We can all do the same and let ourselves even enjoy the journey. Read on for some tips…
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